Hub Elementor - Double headers appear on mobile version of my site

We are receiving support tickets from our users on how to fix the desktop header and mobile header appearing together on mobile devices in our Hub theme. Actually, it's not a bug, it's an option. An option for those who do not want to use our default mobile header but want to design their existing header responsively using our mobile header builder to use it on mobile as well.

But if you want to use our default mobile header for mobile, you need to hide your desktop header to prevent double headers appearing on mobile.

To hide your desktop header for mobile devices, open your existing header with Elementor page editor and select the main section containing your header.

Then go to the Advanced tab from the Elementor sidebar and check the "Hide On Tablet" and "Hide On Mobile" options from the Responsive options.

That's all, now only the mobile header of your site will appear on mobile devices.