ArcHub - ArcHub Collections

We strongly suggest using ArcHub Collections to create your website. It's a real time saver and a perfect example for beginners.

Open your Elementor post or page and click "add new section". And click ArcHub Collections button.

The ArcHub Collections popup will open for you.

How can I import a template?

  1. Blocks: View all section templates.
  2. Pages: View all page templates.
  3. Sync: Sync new templates.
  4. Category: Filter for the template category you want.
  5. My Favorites: Filter the templates you add to favorites.
  6. Search: Seach template by name.

  1. Preview button: See a "live preview" of the template you are about to insert.
  2. Add to favorite button: Add the template to your favorite list.
  3. Insert button: Insert the selected template.

Hover over the template you want to import and click the Insert button. All done!

What are the required templates?

Some templates require more than one template to work properly. You can think of them as templates within templates. Since it is not possible to import multiple templates due to limitations in the Elementor infrastructure, you have to import them separately.

Required templates specify which templates you need to import for this template to work. If the template you are going to import needs another template, there is a "Required" warning.

How to import the required template?

  1. Import the main template to any page you want

    Tab contents are blank because we haven't imported the required templates yet.
  2. Create an Elementor template for the required item. Go to the WordPress Dashboard, navigate to "Templates > Saved Templates > Add new" 

  3. Select "Section" and set your template name. Click the "Create Template" button

  4. Open ArcHub Collections from the template you created, select Expansion category and search your required template name. Then click the Insert button.
  5. Required template imported. Publish/update the template now. Now go back to the page where you imported the main template.
  6. From the main template we imported in step 1, select the newly imported required template from the "Select Template" option in the tabs element's item options.