ArcHub - Blog Options

General Options

These options only apply for the page assigned as blog page on “Settings > Reading” or blog archive pages.

Blog Title Bar: Switch on to display the title-bar for the assigned blog page on “Settings > Reading” or blog archive pages.

Blog Page Title: If your front page displays the latest posts via “Settings > Reading” or Blog archive pages.

Blog Page Subtitle: Subtitle for the blog page, title-bar area.

Style: Choose blog style for the frontend.

Blog Excerpt Length: The blog excerpt length fetches from the single blog post that will be displayed on the blog page.

Category Archive Page

These options are for particularly for category pages for blog posts.

Category Archive Title Bar: Switch off to skip the title-bar for the blog category pages.

Category Archive Title: As the default, the title for the category archive pages are dynamic with the [ld_category_title] that fetches from the corresponding category. However, it can be changed to any combination with [ld_category_title] or any static title.

Style: Choose the way posts to be displayed on your blog category pages.

Enable Parallax: Turn on to have parallax images on the blog page thumbs on your blog category pages.

Tag Archive Page

These options are for particularly for tag pages of the blog.

Tag Archive Title Bar: Switch off to skip the title-bar for the blog category pages.

Tag Archive Title: As default, title for the tag category archive pages are dynamic with the [ld_tag_title] that fetches from the corresponding tag. However, it can be changed to any combination with [ld_category_title] or any static title.

Style: Choose the way posts to be displayed on your tag category pages.

Enable Parallax: Turn on to have parallax images on the blog page thumbs on your tag category pages.