HUB - Add new portfolio items

Adding a new portfolio item: 

  1. On your dashboard, go to "Portfolio" and click the "Add new" button

  2. Add a title to your portfolio item.
  3. Select or create a portfolio category from the side panel and click "Publish".

Creating the Portfolio Page:

Hub utilizes WP Bakery Page Builder to maximize the flexibility of the single portfolio pages. You can build any kind of portfolio page by using WP Bakery Page Builder. 

Simply select the "Custom" option in the meta options and start building the single portfolio item just like a regular page. You can use Hub Collection to import pre-built sections/pages or build them from scratch with custom elements. 

Here are a few examples for the portfolio pages:

- Adaptive

- Dark

- Image Comparison

- User Interface

- Video

- Minimal

- Sticky

- Carousel

- Gallery

- Stack

You can import these pages by using the "Import Inner Page" function. 

Individual Portfolio Options:

Any change in the singular portfolio options affects only the related page. So, you can customize each portfolio item independently. 

  • Portfolio Item Style: "Custom" option allows you to build a page by using WP Bakery Page Builder. You can create any kind of page with this option. 
  • Width: Defines the width of the item on the portfolio page.
  • Portfolio Meta: You can add external URL, project date, or client in this panel. 

Go to Liquid Portfolio Options > Portfolio Meta to change the metadata. These options allow you to input portfolio details with a simple interface. This data is unique to each portfolio item. The meta options are completely optional. Once you complete the meta sections, simply add the portfolio meta element by using the page builder.

Portfolio Meta Options

Related Projects: Turn on to display related projects on single portfolio posts. Please make sure to add Related Projects element as well. Alternatively, you can use Portfollio Navigation element instead of related projects. 

Related Works: Switch on to display related works on single portfolio pages.

Related Works Title: Input a title for the related works section

Number of Related Works: Manages the number of works that display on related works section.

These values are unique to each portfolio item, therefore not available in the theme options:

- External URL

- Attributes