HUB - Footer Builders
To create or edit footers; simply go to Footers > Your Footer and use WP Bakery Page Builder just like a regular page.
You can create any kind of footers just like normal contents you've created! Let's go through meta options.Sticky Footer: Turn this option on, if you want the sticky effect on the footer.
- Text Color: Define footer's text colors. You can still define any custom colors to any shortcodes you add to the footer.
- Link Color: Define links colors inside the footer. You can still define any custom colors to any shortcodes you add to the footer.
- Background: Set any kind of background color or image for your footer. With full controls over position, size etc.
- Gradient Background: Use Ave smart gradient to if you want a gradient background for your footer.
- Padding: Define spacing of your footer. If you need more or less spacing in top or bottom or sides of the footer.